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540+ French Cat Names: Popular and Timeless Choices for Your Pet

540+ French Cat Names: Popular and Timeless Choices for Your Pet

Looking for French cat names? We’ve got it all, from cool French words to names for cats of all colors. Whether you want funny, cute, or popular, we’ve got a name inspired by nature, places, food, or famous French figures. Find your cat’s perfect name here!

Cat Themed Words in French

Here are some cat-themed words and phrases in French:

  1. Chat – Cat
  2. Chaton – Kitten
  3. Minou – Pussycat
  4. Gueule de bois – Cat’s Wail
  5. Matou – Tomcat

Male French Cat Names

Here’s a list of male French cat names along with their meanings:

  1. Abel – Breath
  2. Absolon – Loyal
  3. Achille – Pain
  4. Adrien – Dark
  5. Alain – Handsome
  6. Alexandre – Defender
  7. Alexis – Defender of the People
  8. Ami – Friend
  9. Anatole – Sunrise
  10. Antoine – Priceless
  11. Apollinaire – Dedicated to Apollo
  12. Armand – Warrior
  13. Aubin – White
  14. Auguste – Majestic
  15. Baptiste – Baptizer
  16. Basile – Royal
  17. Bastien – Revered
  18. Beau – Beautiful
  19. Benoit – Blessed
  20. Blaise – Stuttering
  21. Camille – Young
  22. Cedric – Kindly Leader
  23. Charles – Free Man
  24. Claude – Lame
  25. Clement – Merciful
  26. Denis – Devoted to Dionysus
  27. Emile – Industrious
  28. Etienne – Crowned
  29. Fabien – Bean Grower
  30. Felix – Fortunate
  31. Francois – Free Man
  32. Gabriel – God is My Strength
  33. Gaspard – Treasure Keeper
  34. Gaston – Stranger
  35. Gerard – Brave with a Spear
  36. Gilles – Young Goat
  37. Guillaume – Protector
  38. Henri – Ruler of the Household
  39. Hugues – Bright Mind
  40. Jacques – Supplanter
  41. Jean – God is Gracious
  42. Julien – Youthful
  43. Laurent – Laurel-Crowned
  44. Leo – Lion
  45. Louis – Renowned Warrior
  46. Lucien – Light
  47. Marcel – Little Warrior
  48. Martin – Warlike
  49. Maurice – Dark-Skinned
  50. Michel – Who is Like God
  51. Noel – Christmas
  52. Olivier – Olive Tree
  53. Pascal – Easter
  54. Paul – Small
  55. Philippe – Friend of Horses
  56. Pierre – Stone
  57. Quentin – Fifth
  58. Raoul – Wolf Counsel
  59. Raphael – God has Healed
  60. Rene – Reborn
  61. Robert – Bright Fame
  62. Rodolphe – Famous Wolf
  63. Roland – Famous Land
  64. Romain – Roman
  65. Samuel – God has Heard
  66. Sebastien – Revered
  67. Simon – Heard
  68. Theodore – Gift of God
  69. Thierry – People’s Ruler
  70. Thomas – Twin
  71. Timothee – Honoring God
  72. Tristan – Sad
  73. Valentin – Strong
  74. Victor – Conqueror
  75. Vincent – Conquering
  76. Xavier – Bright
  77. Yannick – God is Gracious
  78. Yves – Yew
  79. Zacharie – Remembered by God

Female French Cat Names

Here’s a list of female French cat names along with their meanings:

  1. Absinthe – Bitterness
  2. Adeline – Noble
  3. Adrienne – Dark
  4. Aimee – Beloved
  5. Alouette – Lark
  6. Amelie – Industrious
  7. Anais – Grace
  8. Angelique – Angelic
  9. Annette – Grace
  10. Antoinette – Priceless
  11. Apolline – Strength
  12. Aria – Melody
  13. Arielle – Lioness of God
  14. Astrid – Divine strength
  15. Belle – Beautiful
  16. Bijou – Jewel
  17. Blanche – White
  18. Camille – Perfect
  19. Celeste – Heavenly
  20. Cherie – Darling
  21. Chloe – Blooming
  22. Ciel – Sky
  23. Colette – Victorious
  24. Coralie – Coral
  25. Cosette – Little Thing
  26. Daphne – Laurel
  27. Delphine – Dolphin
  28. Eclair – Lightning
  29. Elise – Pledged to God
  30. Elodie – Wealthy
  31. Esme – Esteemed
  32. Etoile – Star
  33. Feline – Feline
  34. Fleur – Flower
  35. Gabrielle – God is my strength
  36. Giselle – Pledge
  37. Hazel – Hazelnut
  38. Isabelle – Devoted to God
  39. Jolie – Pretty
  40. Justine – Fair
  41. Laurette – Laurel
  42. Leonie – Lioness
  43. Lila – Lilac
  44. Lilou – Lily
  45. Lisette – Consecrated to God
  46. Louna – Moon
  47. Lucienne – Light
  48. Luna – Moon
  49. Manon – Bitter
  50. Margot – Pearl
  51. Marie – Wished for child
  52. Mathilde – Battle-mighty
  53. Melanie – Dark
  54. Merveille – Marvel
  55. Mignon – Cute
  56. Mirabelle – Wonderful
  57. Nadine – Hope
  58. Ninette – Favor
  59. Noemie – Pleasantness
  60. Odette – Wealthy
  61. Ombre – Shadow
  62. Ondee – Rainfall
  63. Ondine – Little Wave
  64. Papillon – Butterfly
  65. Paulette – Small
  66. Perrine – Rock
  67. Princesse – Princess
  68. Prune – Plum
  69. Raphaëlle – God has healed
  70. Rayonne – Shining
  71. Renee – Reborn
  72. Rose – Rose
  73. Roxane – Dawn
  74. Sabine – Sabine woman
  75. Saphir – Sapphire
  76. Selène – Moon
  77. Simone – One who hears
  78. Soleil – Sun
  79. Solène – Dignified
  80. Sophie – Wisdom
  81. Sylvie – From the forest
  82. Tempête – Storm
  83. Tendresse – Tenderness
  84. Therèse – Harvester
  85. Tourterelle – Turtledove
  86. Veronique – True image
  87. Verveine – Verbena
  88. Victoire – Victory
  89. Victorieuse – Victorious
  90. Violet – Violet flower
  91. Vivienne – Alive
  92. Yasmine – Jasmine flower
  93. Zelie – Solemn
  94. Zenith – Zenith
  95. Zibeline – Sable
  96. Zoe – Life
  97. Zora – Dawn

French Black Cat Names

Here are several French names perfect for a black cat, each with meanings:

  1. Abysse – Abyss
  2. Cendre – Ash
  3. Charbon – Charcoal
  4. Chimerique – Chimerical
  5. Chocolat – Chocolate
  6. Eclipse – Eclipse
  7. Encre – Ink
  8. Esprit – Spirit
  9. Fantaisie – Fantasy
  10. Fumee – Smoke
  11. Minuit – Midnight
  12. Noir – Black
  13. Nuit – Night
  14. Obscur – Dark
  15. Ombre – Shadow
  16. Onyx – Onyx (a black gemstone)
  17. Panthere – Panther
  18. Profondeur – Depth
  19. Sinistre – Sinister
  20. Soiree – Evening
  21. Sombre – Gloomy
  22. Tenebres – Darkness
  23. Tenebreux – Darkened
  24. Tragique – Tragic
  25. Vaudou – Voodoo

French White Cat Names

Here are several French-inspired names suitable for a white cat, each with meanings:

  1. Blanc – White
  2. Brume – Mist
  3. Caresse – Caress
  4. Ciel – Sky
  5. Coton – Cotton
  6. Creme – Cream
  7. Diamant – Diamond
  8. Eclat – Sparkle
  9. Etoile – Star
  10. Flocon – Flake
  11. Fontaine – Fountain
  12. Lait – Milk
  13. Lune – Moon
  14. Lys – Lily
  15. Nacre – Mother of Pearl
  16. Neige – Snow
  17. Nuage – Cloud
  18. Opale – Opal
  19. Perle – Pearl
  20. Poudre – Powder
  21. Prisme – Prism
  22. Souffle – Breath
  23. Vanille – Vanilla

French Orange Cat Names

Here are several French-inspired names suitable for an orange cat, each with their meanings:

  1. Abricot – Apricot
  2. Acajou – Mahogany
  3. Amande – Almond
  4. Ambre – Amber
  5. Basilic – Basil
  6. Cannelle – Cinnamon
  7. Caramel – Caramel
  8. Carotte – Carrot
  9. Chanvre – Hemp
  10. Citrouille – Pumpkin
  11. Clementine – Clementine
  12. Corail – Coral
  13. Cuivre – Copper
  14. Curcuma – Turmeric
  15. Fenouil – Fennel
  16. Gingembre – Ginger
  17. Glaçon – Ice Cube
  18. Goyave – Guava
  19. Kaki – Persimmon
  20. Maracuja – Passion Fruit
  21. Miel – Honey
  22. Moutarde – Mustard
  23. Ocre – Ochre
  24. Or – Gold
  25. Pamplemousse – Grapefruit
  26. Papaye – Papaya
  27. Paprika – Paprika
  28. Pastèque – Watermelon
  29. Peche – Peach
  30. Potiron – Pumpkin
  31. Roux – Redhead
  32. Safran – Saffron
  33. Sesame – Sesame
  34. Soleil – Sun
  35. Sorbet – Sorbet
  36. Sureau – Elderberry
  37. Tournesol – Sunflower

Funny French Cat Names

Here are some funny French cat names:

  1. Amusant – Funny
  2. Baguette – French bread
  3. Beignet – Fritter
  4. Bisou – Kiss
  5. Blague – Joke
  6. Bouffon – Jester
  7. Chatouille – Ticklish
  8. Coquin – Naughty
  9. Croissant – Crescent
  10. Croque – Crunch
  11. Escargot – Snail
  12. Farceur – Prankster
  13. Frisson – Shiver
  14. Fromage – Cheese
  15. Moqueur – Mocking
  16. Papillon – Butterfly
  17. Poulet – Chicken
  18. Rigolo – Hilarious
  19. Siffleur – Whistler

Cute French Cat Names

Here are some adorable French-inspired names that could be the perfect fit for your cat:

  1. Ambre – Amber
  2. Ami – Friend
  3. Amour – Love
  4. Bebe – Baby
  5. Bijou – Jewel
  6. Calin – Cuddle
  7. Calinou – Cuddly
  8. Cannelle – Cinnamon
  9. Caramel – Caramel
  10. Charmant – Charming
  11. Charmeur – Charming
  12. Chaton – Kitten
  13. Cheri – Darling
  14. Coccinelle – Ladybug
  15. Coeur – Heart
  16. Douceur – Sweetness
  17. Doux – Gentle
  18. Eclat – Sparkle
  19. Etoile – Star
  20. Fleur – Flower
  21. Frimousse – Cute face
  22. Fripon – Mischievous
  23. Fripouille – Rascal
  24. Gateau – Cake
  25. Joli – Pretty
  26. Lumiere – Light
  27. Miel – Honey
  28. Mignon – Cute
  29. Minou – Kitty
  30. Moustache – Mustache
  31. Nougat – Nougat
  32. Nuage – Cloud
  33. Papaye – Papaya
  34. Papillon – Butterfly
  35. Peche – Peach
  36. Petale – Petal
  37. Petit – Small
  38. Pistache – Pistachio
  39. Plume – Feather
  40. Pomme – Apple
  41. Poupee – Doll
  42. Pruneau – Prune
  43. Reveur – Dreamy
  44. Sourire – Smile
  45. Sucre – Sugar
  46. Tendre – Tender
  47. Tresor – Treasure

Here are some beloved French names that cat owners frequently choose:

  1. Amelie – Industrious
  2. Antoinette – Praiseworthy
  3. Arthur – Bear
  4. Bastien – Revered
  5. Bella – Beautiful
  6. Belle – Beautiful
  7. Camille – Free-born
  8. Celine – Heavenly
  9. Chloe – Blooming
  10. Cleo – Glory
  11. Coco – Coconut
  12. Colette – Victorious
  13. Edouard – Wealth protector
  14. Elise – Pledged to God
  15. Etienne – Crown
  16. Felix – Lucky
  17. Fifi – Jehovah increases
  18. Gaston – From Gascony region
  19. Gigi – Trustworthy
  20. Hugo – Mind
  21. Jacques – Supplanter
  22. Jules – Youthful
  23. Juliette – Youthful
  24. Leo – Lion
  25. Leon – Lion
  26. Lily – Lily flower
  27. Louis – Famous warrior
  28. Luc – Light
  29. Luna – Moon
  30. Manon – Bitter
  31. Margot – Pearl
  32. Marie – Sea of bitterness
  33. Max – Greatest
  34. Mia – Mine
  35. Mimi – Sweetheart
  36. Napoleon – Lion of Naples
  37. Ophelia – Help
  38. Oscar – God’s spear
  39. Pierre – Stone
  40. Romeo – From Rome
  41. Simba – Lion
  42. Sophie – Wisdom
  43. Zoe – Life

Nature-Inspired French Cat Names

Here are some nature-inspired French cat names suggestions:

  1. Ambre – Amber
  2. Aurore – Dawn
  3. Azur – Azure
  4. Brise – Breeze
  5. Brume – Mist
  6. Cascade – Waterfall
  7. Cedre – Cedar
  8. Ciel – Sky
  9. Eden – Garden of Paradise
  10. Etoile – Star
  11. Fauve – Wild
  12. Flocon – Snowflake
  13. Frondaison – Foliage
  14. Givre – Frost
  15. Hiver – Winter
  16. Horizon – Horizon
  17. Indigo – Indigo plant
  18. Jade – Jade stone
  19. Jardin – Garden
  20. Lagon – Lagoon
  21. Lune – Moon
  22. Maree – Tide
  23. Marin – Sailor
  24. Nectar – Nectar
  25. Neige – Snow
  26. Noisette – Hazelnut
  27. Oceane – Ocean
  28. Olivie – Olive tree
  29. Orage – Storm
  30. Petale – Petal
  31. Plume – Feather
  32. Rayon – Ray
  33. Riviere – River
  34. Rosee – Dew
  35. Sable – Sand
  36. Saphir – Sapphire
  37. Soleil – Sun
  38. Tempete – Tempest
  39. Tourmaline – Tourmaline gemstone
  40. Vague – Wave
  41. Verdure – Greenery

French Cat Names Inspired By Flowers

Here are some flower-inspired French cat names along with their meanings:

  1. Adonis – Anemone
  2. Alyssum – Alyssum
  3. Amaranthe – Amaranth
  4. Azalee – Azalea
  5. Begonia – Begonia
  6. Bourrache – Borage
  7. Camelia – Camellia
  8. Capucine – Nasturtium
  9. Centauree – Centaurea
  10. Chardon – Thistle
  11. Coquelicot – Poppy
  12. Dahlia – Dahlia
  13. Eglantier – Briar Rose
  14. Eglantine – Wild Rose
  15. Fougere – Fern
  16. Fraxinelle – Dittany
  17. Geranium – Geranium
  18. Hortensia – Hydrangea
  19. Iberis – Candytuft
  20. Jonquille – Daffodil
  21. Lierre – Ivy
  22. Lila – Lilac
  23. Lys – Lily
  24. Marguerite – Daisy
  25. Mimosa – Mimosa
  26. Nenuphar – Water Lily
  27. Oeillet – Carnation
  28. Ombelle – Umbel
  29. Orchidee – Orchid
  30. Paquerette – Daisy
  31. Pavot – Poppy
  32. Pensee – Pansy
  33. Primevere – Primrose
  34. Renoncule – Buttercup
  35. Rhododendron – Rhododendron
  36. Rose – Rose
  37. Scabieuse – Scabious
  38. Tournesol – Sunflower
  39. Tulipe – Tulip
  40. Verveine – Verbena

French Cat Names Inspired By Famous Places in France

Here are some French cat names inspired by well-known places in France:

  1. Alsace – Charming region with vineyards.
  2. Arles – Inspiring city for creative cats.
  3. Avignon – Historic city with Papal Palace.
  4. Bordeaux – Renowned wine region.
  5. Cannes – Glamorous city famous for film festival.
  6. Carcassonne – Medieval fortress city.
  7. Chartres – Picturesque town with cathedral.
  8. Corsica – Beautiful Mediterranean island.
  9. Dijon – City famous for mustard.
  10. Drincham – Northern French town.
  11. Lille – Dynamic city in Northern France.
  12. Lourdes – Town with religious significance.
  13. Lyon – City famous for culinary delights.
  14. Marseille – Port city on Mediterranean coast.
  15. Monaco – Luxurious city-state.
  16. Montpellier – Historic city in the South.
  17. Nancy – Town known for beautiful square.
  18. Nantes – Historic city on Loire River.
  19. Narbonne – Historic town in Occitanie.
  20. Nice – City on French Riviera.
  21. Normandy – Scenic region with historic landmarks.
  22. Paris – Iconic capital city of France.
  23. Perouges – Medieval village in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
  24. Provence – Region known for lavender fields.
  25. Reims – City famous for Champagne.
  26. Riviera – Glamorous coastal area.
  27. Rouen – Historic city with gothic cathedral.
  28. Savoy – Scenic region in French Alps.
  29. Strasbourg – Culturally rich city.
  30. Toulouse – Lively city in the South.
  31. Versailles – City steeped in royal history.

Cat Names Inspired by French Food and Drink

Here’s a list of cat names inspired by French cuisines and beverages:

  1. Baguette – Long bread
  2. Bourguignon – Dish from Burgundy region
  3. Brandy – Strong alcoholic drink
  4. Brie – Type of cheese
  5. Cabernet – Red wine grape
  6. Camembert – Type of cheese
  7. Cassoulet – Slow-cooked casserole
  8. Caviar – Delicacy of fish eggs
  9. Chablis – White wine
  10. Champagne – Sparkling wine
  11. Chantilly – Sweet whipped cream
  12. Chardonnay – White wine grape
  13. Chateaubriand – Dish of grilled beef
  14. Cognac – Type of brandy
  15. Cointreau – Orange-flavored liquor
  16. Cordon Bleu – Stuffed chicken dish
  17. Creme – Cream
  18. Crepe – Thin pancake
  19. Croissant – Crescent-shaped pastry
  20. Dijon – Mustard
  21. Eclair – Long cream-filled pastry
  22. Escargot – Snails
  23. Espresso – Strong coffee
  24. Fondue – Melted cheese dish
  25. Frangipane – Almond-flavored pastry
  26. Frappe – Chilled drink
  27. Gateau – Cake
  28. Gougere – Cheese puff pastry
  29. Gruyere – Type of cheese
  30. Macaron – Almond-based cookie
  31. Madeleine – Small sponge cake
  32. Marmalade – Fruit preserve
  33. Marzipan – Almond-based confectionery
  34. Meringue – Light dessert topping
  35. Merlot – Red wine grape
  36. Mousse – Light dessert
  37. Pamplemousse – Grapefruit
  38. Pate – Meat spread
  39. Pistachio – Nut
  40. Praline – Confection with nuts and sugar
  41. Quiche – Savory pie
  42. Riesling – White wine grape
  43. Rillettes – Meat spread
  44. Risotto – Creamy rice dish
  45. Sorbet – Frozen dessert
  46. Souffle – Light baked dish
  47. Tartelette – Small tart
  48. Tiramisu – Italian dessert
  49. Truffle – Edible fungi

Cat Names Inspired by Famous French People

Here are some cat names inspired by renowned French figures from various fields:

  1. Anais – Inspired by Anaïs Nin, a French-Cuban-American diarist, essayist, and writer of erotica.
  2. Bardot – Inspired by Brigitte Bardot, the famous French actress, singer, and animal rights activist.
  3. Brigitte – Inspired by Brigitte Bardot, the famous French actress and singer.
  4. Camus – After Albert Camus, the French philosopher, author, and Nobel Prize laureate.
  5. Catherine – Inspired by Catherine Deneuve, the iconic French actress and singer.
  6. Charlotte – Inspired by Charlotte Gainsbourg, a French-British actress and singer.
  7. Chateaubriand – Inspired by François-Rene de Chateaubriand, a French writer, diplomat, and politician.
  8. Coco – After Coco Chanel, the iconic French fashion designer.
  9. Cocteau – After Jean Cocteau, a versatile French artist, filmmaker, poet, and playwright.
  10. Colette – Inspired by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, a notable French novelist and performer.
  11. Deneuve – Inspired by Catherine Deneuve, the legendary French actress and singer.
  12. Dumas – After Alexandre Dumas, the prolific French writer known for “The Three Musketeers” and “The Count of Monte Cristo.”
  13. Edith – Inspired by Edith Piaf, the legendary French singer.
  14. Edouard – After edouard Manet, a prominent French painter associated with the Impressionist movement.
  15. Emile – Inspired by emile Zola, a prominent French novelist, playwright, and journalist.
  16. Francoise – Inspired by Françoise Sagan, a famous French playwright and novelist.
  17. Gabin – Inspired by Jean Gabin, a legendary French actor known for his roles in classic French cinema.
  18. Gerard – After Gerard Depardieu, a renowned French actor and filmmaker.
  19. Hugo – After Victor Hugo, the renowned French poet, novelist, and playwright.
  20. Juliette – After Juliette Binoche, a celebrated French actress known for her versatility and talent.
  21. Louis – After Louis Braille, the French educator who invented the Braille system.
  22. Marie – Inspired by Marie Curie, the pioneering French physicist and chemist.
  23. Matisse – After Henri Matisse, a renowned French artist known for his use of color and shape.
  24. Moliere – After Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Moliere, a French playwright and actor.
  25. Monet – After Claude Monet, the renowned French painter.
  26. Monique – Inspired by Monique Wittig, a French author and feminist theorist.
  27. Montaigne – After Michel de Montaigne, a French philosopher known for popularizing the essay as a literary form.
  28. Napoleon – After Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military leader and emperor.
  29. Pasteur – After Louis Pasteur, a French biologist and chemist renowned for his discoveries in vaccination and pasteurization.
  30. Pompidou – Inspired by Georges Pompidou, a French politician who served as President of France from 1969 to 1974.
  31. Proust – After Marcel Proust, the French novelist best known for his work “In Search of Lost Time.”
  32. Ravel – After Maurice Ravel, a French composer known for his musical works such as “Bolero” and “Daphnis et Chloe.”
  33. Renoir – After Pierre-Auguste Renoir, a prominent French Impressionist painter.
  34. Sartre – After Jean-Paul Sartre, a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, and political activist.
  35. Serge – Inspired by Serge Gainsbourg, a legendary French singer, songwriter, and filmmaker.
  36. Simone – Inspired by Simone de Beauvoir, a prominent French writer, philosopher, and feminist.
  37. Toulouse – After Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, the French painter, printmaker, and illustrator known for his depictions of Parisian nightlife.
  38. Verlaine – Inspired by Paul Verlaine, a French poet associated with the Symbolist movement.
  39. Voltaire – After François-Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire, a prominent French philosopher.
  40. Yves – Inspired by Yves Saint Laurent, the influential French fashion designer.
  41. Zinedine – After Zinedine Zidane, the legendary French footballer and coach.

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